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Saturday, 01 December 2012 20:58

December 2012 - Great Leaders Delegate pt2

Part 1, was about the principles and the process of delegation. This lesson is about the what, who and how to delegate.

Effective delegation asks questions such as:
1. Could this be done by someone else?
2. Could someone else do parts of this job?

When you delegate a task, it’s important to make sure that:
1. You believe that the person can do the job.
2. You have a clear understanding as to when they are going to report back to you.

Benefits to the leader:
1. It relieves work pressure.
2. It allows time for greater quality and creative thinking.
3. It increases productivity and the chance of promotion.

Benefits to subordinates:
1. Provides a new challenge and interest.
2. Creates motivation.
3. Increases opportunities for promotion.

Whom to delegate to:
1. The person who seeks additional responsibility. The person who wants a chance to develop himself and to show what he can do, given the opportunity.
2. The new man on the job – the person whose potential is unknown.
3. The man closest to the work – the next in line, the most qualified trainee.

Who NOT to delegate to:
1. Someone outside of the group; they are seen as an intruder.
2. Individuals several skill levels below the leader.
3. One who is not technically or administratively ready for added responsibility or one who is not emotionally prepared, has doubts about his/her own abilities or is satisfied and doesn’t want to move ahead (personal factors).

Why some leaders fail to delegate:
1. They believe the subordinates won’t be able to handle the assignment.
2. They don’t want competition.
3. They fear losing recognition.
4. They are concerned that their weaknesses will be exposed.
5. They feel they won’t have time to turn over the work and provide the necessary training.
6. They believe the I can do it better myself fallacy.
7. Lack of experience in the job or in delegating.
8. Refusal to allow mistakes.
9. Perfectionism which can lead to over-control.
10. Lack of organizational skill in balancing workloads.

Why some fail to accept delegated responsibility:
1. Lack of experience.
2. Lack of competence.
3. Avoidance of responsibility.
4. Over-dependence on the boss.
5. Disorganization.
6. Overload of work.
7. The get immersed in trivial matters.

How to Delegate:
1. Select the jobs to be delegated and get them organized for turnover.
2. Delegate the parts of your own job that you know best.
3. Don’t always give them the jobs they know best.
4. Pick the proper person for the job. Know who to delegate to and who not to.
5. Prepare and motivate the delegatee for his assignment. Get him involved in the decision-making process.
6. Hand over the work and make sure it is fully understood. Know how much authority to release: too much and it may be abused; too little and they can’t get the job done.
7. Encourage independence. If you give authority and release it,then don’t insist that they do it your way, they may have a better idea.
8. Maintain supervisory control; never relinquish the reins for that which you are ultimately responsible. Follow up and evaluate. 
9. Make good use of mistakes, don’t overlook them. Use them as a learning tool.

Yours for the Mobilization of the army of God,

DrGeorgeLeadershipLGDr George Hill