Thursday, 29 November 2018 20:48

December 2018 - An Apostolic Church Within An Apostolic Movement

An Apostolic Church is a body of believers, headed up by an Apostle,
with a God-given Mission to the World. 
Acts 2:1-2

The 120 in the Upper Room were not all apostles, but they were all apostolic people. An apostolic person is someone who will go were they are sent, stay where they are put, and do what they can with what they’ve got until they receive fresh orders from heaven.John 17:20 “As the Father has sent Me, so send I you.The Greek word here is ‘apostolos’. In Latin it’s ‘missio’.Characteristics of an Apostolic Church

  1. They believe in and have revelation knowledge of the working together of the 5-Fold ministry from Eph 4:11-16 “He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry.” When this happens, the result is always increase and edification.
  2. Apostolic churches and companies are headed up by an apostolic leader. (Rom 1:1) In Acts 13:1-4 they received a sending, releasing word from the Lord.
  3. They gather around them an unusually high percentage of people who are called into 5-Fold ministry. You attract what you have become. David attracted potential giant-killers because David was a giant-killer.
  4. The apostolic anointing influences and benefits the whole church. The 5-Fold ministries are gifts to the body for the equipping of saints for the work of the ministry. Equipping comes from a Greek medical term that means to put a bone into its rightful place in the body - divine placement of every member.

Acts 4:23-37 paints a beautiful picture of how this apostolic company functioned:

  • They were very relational: a family, a team. Who do you go to in times of trouble? vs23
  • They knew the Word and how to Pray the Word. Here they quoted Psalm 2, praying dominion prayers, addressing nations and kings. vs24-25. They prayed believing to see the miracle working power of God with signs and wonders for kingdom expansion vs29-31
  • They were able to unite around a God given purpose. They raised their voice with one accord...” vs24
  • They were unselfish in the sharing of their resources for kingdom expansion. vs34-37
  • They experienced a cultural climate of Great Power and Great Grace. vs33

Once the apostolic anointing is identified and understood, people will begin to move with it, releasing an army of believers into Holy Spirit directed and empowered service. Under an apostolic anointing the people receive Divine Placement, Direction & Destiny! Then the release of apostolic Power and Grace causes increase, multiplication and advancement. (Ps 115:14)Praise God, Victory Churches International is an Apostolic Movement!Yours for the Five-Fold Ministry working together for Gospel Globalization!

DrGeorgeLeadershipLGDr George Hill
Apostolic Founder and President of Victory Churches International