How Victory Functions
The Victory Church Planting movement is based on two main foundation stones:
1. Covenant Relationships - Not Control
These relationships enable us all to have the following needs met:
Fellowship, inspiration and training, partnership, accountability, and protection from the dangers of isolation. (Judges 18:27-28)
2. A Common God-Given Purpose That We All Agree Upon.
We have a clear statement of purpose for our local, national and international work that we have printed in most of our literature. Our vision is not an exclusive vision but it is very distinctive. We have found that the Lord has placed this vision in the hearts of people all over the world. But many have never seen it work even though they knew t was possible, until they came in contact with the Victory family of churches.
The Victory family of churches works together to cause the Victory vision to be fulfilled. We have found that united action increases our effectiveness and that no relationship will work unless there are two parties willing to put value into it. Church membership agreements set forth the responsibilities of the local church to the Victory Churches and the Victory Churches toward the local church. Each church contributes 5% of their general income to the National church planting and approximately another 5% for overseas missions.
This had been one of the major factors in helping us to become the fastest growing church planting movement in our Nation. We have Regional, National and International structures to facilitate the vision. Every church is an equal partner in the National Victory Movement and every Nation is an equal partner in the International Movement. The policy and procedures manual and organizational flow charts are constantly being updated to make way for growth and expansion. If something is not working we will change it.The policies and procedures are to help us to fulfill the vision not to hinder us.
We thank God for the gift of governments and the ability to be able to devise a simple uncomplicated plan that will help us to do our part in taking the wonderful message of Jesus Christ unto the ends of the earth. Many thanks to you all for being willing to work together for an unselfish vision that is bigger than any one of us. God will not forget you labour of love.
For the furtherance of His Kingdom,

Dr. George Hill
President and Founder, VCI