Passion for the Victory Vision & Growth in Africa!
Passion for the Victory Vision & Growth in Africa!
In August 2024, Pastor Brad Dewar, Dean of Victory Bible College, embarked on a mission to visit three of the Victory Afro nations. He spent nearly a month traveling through Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania. Pastor Brad was greatly encouraged by what he witnessed, and we look forward to seeing the lasting impact of this trip in the coming years.
Video Report
Pastor Brad arrived in Addis Ababa on the morning of August 8, 2024. This was a significant visit, as we had launched a Victory Bible College International (VBCI) campus in Ethiopia about seven years ago. Upon his arrival, he was welcomed by our national Victory Churches leader, Pastor Fiseha, and our translator, Tadele. Although Pastor Brad’s stay in Ethiopia was brief—only four days before heading to Kenya—he was able to accomplish much.
That evening, he shared a meal with Pastor Fiseha and his family, despite a power outage! On Friday morning, Pastor Brad met with the VBCI leadership team, followed by a lunch and the graduation ceremony for 23 VBCI students. Can you believe, there were already 27 new enrollments for the fall semester! That evening, Pastor Brad also met with the Victory Churches of Ethiopia’s national board. They’ve already planted five Victory churches and are working to start prayer cells in each of Ethiopia's 14 regions, which will grow into new church plants.
On Saturday, Pastor Brad presented the Victory Vision Day seminar from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, attended by over 30 leaders, including pastors from various churches. On Sunday morning, he preached to a vibrant congregation at the main church. It was thrilling to see how the Victory Vision has taken root and is flourishing in Ethiopia!

Pastor Brad’s next stop was Kenya, where he spent nine days visiting our Victory Churches. Kenya holds a special place as Victory’s first international mission, with over 30 years of ministry there. What began with a Victory Bible College campus in Kisumu has expanded into a nationwide, apostolic church-planting organization, along with a children’s home and Christian boarding school. The people of Kenya are passionate and zealous for God!
Pastor Brad met with leaders from two apostolic church groups, taught for a day at our VBCI Kisii campus, and preached in several churches. He also hosted an all-day Victory Vision Day seminar, where pastors from all over the country gathered. This resulted in a renewed commitment to the foundational vision of Victory: raising up Five-Fold leaders and sending them into church planting.
The trip was highly productive, and we are excited to see how God will continue to work through the Victory Churches in Kenya!

Pastor Brad’s final stop was Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, a beautiful city on the Indian Ocean. He arrived on August 21st for a six-day visit to the Victory Churches of Tanzania, hosted by Bishop Laurent and his wife. Pastor Brad met with the VBCI leadership team and the national board, and he led an all-day Victory Vision Day seminar for nearly 40 pastors and leaders from across the country. Some traveled as much as 20 hours to attend, and Pastor Brad was deeply moved by their dedication.
During his visit, 15 students graduated from VBCI Tanzania, and the school plans to add another teacher and double the enrollment next term. The graduating students will be organized into teams to reach unchurched areas and plant new Victory churches. God is doing amazing things through the Victory Churches of Tanzania!

We are excited about the progress in these nations and are filled with anticipation for what the future holds!
If you would like to sponsor an outreach team or help support a pastor’s education at VBCI Tanzania, please contact