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Sunday, 29 May 2016 16:23

May 2016 - Victory Bible College International

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At Victory Bible College, we’re passionate about helping people find the God-dream for their lives and equipping them to live out Real Faith in a Real World. It’s not about cramming your head full of knowledge. It’s about impacting your heart with the Good News of jesus Christ!

We encourage you to sign up for the upcoming semester.

As a student at VBCI, you’ll enjoy:

  • Powerful “God-moments” in worship
  • Life-changing Truth from God’s Word
  • Friendships that will last a lifetime

Programs of Study

  • Worship Arts – Worship Arts Certificate and Worship Arts Diploma
  • Theology
    • 1st Year Certificate in Biblical Studies
    • 2nd Year diploma of Christian Ministry
    • 3rd Year Advanced Diploma in Christian Leadership. Major in either Theology or Counselling.
    • Bachelors, Masters & Doctorate Degrees available.
  • Youth Ministry
  • Counselling

We have an incredible campus with excellent dormitory living available for students with meals provided, and on campus library and many other amenities. Come check us out for a few days. Stay in the dormitories and attend a class! Contact us for more information.

VBCI Online:

Can’t come to Bible College? Now you can get the same great teaching and earn your diploma or degree from the comfort of your own home! Work at your own pace. You can take as little as one course at a time, and you have a full year to complete it!

It’s easy to get started! Just visit us at or contact the registers office at 403-286-8337 ext. 208.

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